The Flash: What was Joe West like in the comics?

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Photo Credit: The Flash/The CW Image Acquired from CWTVPR

The character Joe West is loved by fans of CW’s The Flash. Jesse L. Martin plays the supportive father figure every family wishes they could have. But how much of that portrayal comes from the comics? Who was the father of Iris West in the comics, and what are some of the differences between him and Joe West?

9. He had a different name and occupation

On television, Iris West’s father is named Joe and he’s a cop for the Central City Police Department. In the original comics, her father’s name is Ira West and he’s a scientist. He’s often referred to as “Professor West”. He’s won the Nobel Prize and often creates crazy inventions. He’s built AI’s, supercomputers and other fantastic devices. Professor West has more in common with Cisco Ramon than he does with his television counterpart. He’d probably feel right at home with the STAR Labs gang.

His scientific creations made him the target of many crooks throughout the years. Ira was frequently kidnapped or made into an unwitting pawn for their schemes. This made him a constant headache for his son-in-law Barry. One Bronze Age comic portrayed Professor West as a graduate school instructor. Barry was one of his former student’s, although the continuity of that story conflicted with earlier comics. While TV’s Joe West has a more casual look, Professor Ira West dresses formally. He looks like the spawn of Colonel Sanders and Silver Age Commissioner Gordon.