Marvel Comics characters perfect for the horror genre

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Image Source: Marvel Digital Comics


There isn’t a person in the Marvel universe who plays mind games as well as Mystique. It’s not just the shape-shifting. There’s skill that has to come along with it. Mystique always makes sure to know enough about her mark to make certain she can get the job done. Without that, she’s just someone in a costume. She’s ruined marriages, families, and toppled teams. She is more than willing to kill to get the job done, but she’s also not against sleeping with them either. Mystique had sex with Wolverine (after he killed her in a previous story arc) just to ruin his relationship. That’s how dedicated she is.

Why does this make her scary? Because you just never know who is who. Imagine thinking that you’re with your loved ones and telling them your darkest secrets only to find out it was someone using you for information to hurt you or others. She will destroy you to the point that you may even take your own life, which is something we’ve seen in psychological thrillers.

Mystique is the perfect character to have the “what is real and what isn’t” kind of movie. The idea of her playing with anyone’s mind and emotions is a frightening thought. Just don’t cast Jennifer Lawrence, please.