Rhode Island Comic Con: An amalgamation of fun

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Panels Galore

Panels are a staple with conventions. It gives people a chance to promote their projects and talk to their audience in an intimate environment. Comic book artists talk about the process of creating scenes. Writers could tell stories of their inspiration for their tales. They also just have a good time with the people who appreciate them. Rhode Island Comic Con had a panel for everyone to experience these moments.

Danny Trejo, Finn Jones, Jennifer Henwick, and so many more attended panels and talked about everything from their projects, personal life, and some stories about weird food they’ve eaten on set. Tim Curry’s panel generated a long line. People who love him from ClueThe Rocky Horror Picture Show, and other projects waited in line in antici….pation (a joke for Rocky fans) to be in the same room as the pop culture icon. Even if you don’t like comic book movies and shows, Tim Curry is a prime example of how much variety is available. However, the con still maintains the essensce of comic-con – the comics.