Suicide Squad 2: Amanda Waller should be the central character

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Amanda Waller was vastly misused and she deserves better

Despite Amanda Waller’s importance to Suicide Squad in DC Comics, her involvement in the film was underwhelming. While we saw her murder a couple of employees, she still didn’t seem like her powerful, cutthroat, and cunning, comic book self. Simply put, there was a lot left to be desired.

As a matter of fact, Amanda Waller spent most of the film trapped inside a building.  Suicide Squad essentially made Waller a glorified damsel in distress. Although it didn’t start out that way.

Waller is first seen attempting to convince a Washington  D.C. rep to allow her to start Task Force X. She presents a list of each Belle Reve inmate she wants to recruit. One of the recruits was Cara Delevingne’s June Moon, also known as Enchantress. Enchantress, however, had other plans with her brother. After being attacked by Enchantress’ brother in Midway City, Waller enlists the Suicide Squad to rescue her.

In the end, she’s rescued and everyone lives happily ever after. Not really, but it felt like that. In fact, most of Suicide Squad centered on Deadshot and Harley Quinn. There was underlying theme of family and acceptance. Waller, however, should mean more to the movie.

Viola Davis is a tremendously talented actress, and Waller is more than a damsel in distress. In fact, Gunn’s movie should dive deep into Waller’s mythos to show how strong of a woman she really is.