That time of the year again: The top ten comic books of 2018!

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Image by IDW Publishing

From mutants to detectives and back again! What comics were the best reads of the year?

To say that 2018 has been an eventful year is an understatement! Yet whether it is due to resolutions for the new year or too much egg nog during the holiday, now is always the best time to rank the best of the best! A million characters have been typed, and hundreds of reviews are in the can. Just which of them captured the cream of the crop? Welcome to the third annual “best of” list!

As with previous lists, it will begin with an “honorable mention,” which is an unofficial eleventh pick. One that is worth acknowledging, but for whatever reason did not or could not crack the sacred list. As with any “best of” list, it is subjective and determined by personal taste. The ten entries will be listed in alphabetical order, because this is a top ten, not a top one! And finally, there will be segments for a “dud of the year,” as well as an unforgettable moment.

So, grab onto your plastics and boards and gear up. Just which comics will earn the gold stars this year? Which titles will repeat, and which will set a new standard? This list will be the first on this site without an appearance from a Big Trouble In Little China comic, despite John Carpenter’s best efforts, for instance. On the other hand, 2018 saw some stalwart titles and creators continue their reigns of excellence, some of them underrated. Just which titles will these be?