Should we wait on Justice League 2 as Patty Jenkins says?

Should the DCEU wait on making a second Justice League film?

Wonder Woman director spoke recently on a Justice League 2. Let us a take a look at what she says and see if she has a point.

"“I find those movies to be extremely challenging. I think they’re fantastic when they’re well done, but taking on all of those characters at the same time and the time line. I sort of hope that we don’t do a Justice League movie for a little while, because I think that each of those characters are really great. I’m super excited to see each of their movies. I want to see Aquaman 2, and I want to see Flash. I don’t know. I would never say never, but I think everyone should have a moment to shine right now.”"

Should We Wait on Justice League 2?

Well the answer is an unequivocal yes! Right now people are hyping over Aquaman, the numbers demand a sequel. Fans are hopeful for Wonder Woman sequel and Matt Reeves’ Batman production. Now the Birds of Prey is trending over the internet and social media. Both fans and critics of Man of Steel still want another Superman film. No one is truly demanding a Justice League 2. Almost all Zack Snyder and DCEU fans detest the film. Many are still demanding we get a Snyder Cut of the film. Instead of a sequel, they prefer an alternate cut of the first film.

Yes, the film does have some defenders and people who enjoy it. Justice League does have a better following than Batman v. Superman and Suicide Squad on RottenTomatoes. For those who prefer Marvel’s approach, they were able to accept Justice League over the first three DCEU films. Vocal these select audiences are not. Will they accept a Justice League 2? Probably, but you do not hear them clamoring for it with petitions or anything.

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Patty Jenkins has a point on making more solo films first. We are still waiting on The Flash, who has been in production hell. The character received approval from test screen audiences. Ray Fisher loves the idea of doing a solo Cyborg film, with Zack Snyder behind the helm. Ramming a superhero team down our throats did not prove well. Perhaps the MCU build-up approach should be given a try.

Justice League 2 Ain’t Happening

Praise to Patty Jenkins for remaining optimistic. We need to come to terms with the fact that Justice League is a box office bomb. It is the lowest grossing DCEU film to date. Home media sales for the film are also the lowest. Sometimes home media sales, if strong can possibly stimulate the idea of sequel. Numbers for Justice League are average at best. Justice League 2 requires a strong financial standing from its first film to warrant a sequel.

Maybe in the future, years from now, after each character has their own film. Maybe even their own trilogy, can we finally have a sequel. This is not to say to purposely build up to a team-up film like Marvel. Instead, create films for each character, all their own films and own stories. Create enough to the point that the fans will be thirsting and demanding sequel to the original.

Wait for people to wash the bad taste of the first film out of their mouth. Who knows, perhaps Warner Bros. can make things up to Snyder and invite him back for a sequel. But for now, let us enjoy what we are getting from the DCEU now.