Comic book movies of 2018: Home media sales

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Marvel Studios’ BLACK PANTHER

L to R: Erik Killmonger (Michael B. Jordan) and T’Challa/Black Panther (Chadwick Boseman)

Photo: Matt Kennedy

©Marvel Studios 2018

1.) Black Panther

DVD Sales – 1,568,247 units sold/$26,981,359
Blu-ray Sales – 2,930,216 units sold/$64,548,141
Total Sales – 4,498,463 units sold/$91,529,500

Lo and behold, Black Panther is the best-selling comic book movie of 2018. It is the 3rd best-selling DVD and 2nd best-selling Blu-ray of 2018. Overall, it is the number one best-selling movie of 2018, comic book movie or not. Better yet, this shows customers are buying more movies. This outsells 2017’s number one-seller, Moana. At one point, it was on its way to being the number one DVD, but Jumanji showed up and The Greatest Showman snuck up on it, even though it came out months prior! The fact that Star Wars outsold it in Blu-rays, though not by much, is not a huge stretch.

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These numbers say a lot. First off, this is the first Black Panther film, so audiences and fans had to have it! No doubt many African-Americans who are not MCU fans or regular comic book movie fans probably lined up to grab this off the shelves. In addition, many audiences are demanding more diversity and representation. Say what you will with examples of Blade or Meteor Man, this is the first legit black superhero film in today’s comic book movie. Black Panther sold over 2 million units in its first week. The movie was number one for three weeks straight. Both box office numbers and home media numbers show that there is an audience for a predominantly black superhero film.

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The year of 2018 shows some interesting numbers. We tip our hats off to the huge success that is Black Panther! Venom turns in some great numbers, given its late release. Plus, Justice League manages to outshine a few movies in some regards, strangely. One cannot help but wonder what lifetime sales will be like for most of these movies now.