Top six steamiest scenes in comic book films


We’re taking a look at the top six steamiest scenes that comic book movies have to offer and discussing the ramifications of using them.

We all love comic book films and the heroes and heroines that populate them. Comic book films are full of action, romance, and adventure and we love seeing the exploits of our favorite characters play out on the silver screen. Comic book films are also not against showcasing scenes of a steamier nature, so without further ado, here are the top six steamiest scenes in comic book films.

Justice League: Wonder Woman, multiple scenes

Starting us off is Diana Prince in Justice League. Previously, the princess of Themyscira had been clad in Amazon armor or early ’20s attire. This totally changes in Justice League. In this film, the camera clearly loves her, with multiple scenes focusing in on her derriere, now these are not just quick shots but lingering track shots. For example, when Diana goes to meet Bruce and she walks into frame in a pair of skin-tight leather pants, the camera stays on that shot for a good while. There are other shots that focus on her body, one, particularly of note, is the trailer scene when she rescues a number of hostages in a bank and does her famous leg sweep in a takedown of a villain. All the while, the camera in slow motion lingers on and focuses in on the view of her assets.

Watchmen:  Night Owl and Silk Spectre love scene

Watchmen is a magnificent film. Its use of stylizing and great choice of actors really brought the graphic novel to life. Overall, this is a great film and happens to also include one of the steamiest scenes in a comic book movie. The scene begins after Night Owl and Silk Spectre have returned from a night of vigilantism, and things get heated, clothes are lost and what follows is a scene of passionate lovemaking between the two that takes advantage of its R-rating to showcase as much of the actor’s bodies as possible. The scene is rather well shot and features some fantastic stylized shots of the ship, as it hovers in the air above the city skyline. The scene leaves little to the imagination and further reinforces how adult some comic book films have become.

Sin City A Dame to Kill For:  Ava Lord – All scenes

This film was the long-awaited sequel to its predecessor Sin City. The film was filmed totally in black and white and is shot using a heavy layer of CGI over it. While the first film was lauded as a near masterpiece, the follow-up bombed at the box office and was critically skewered. The film is a living comic book and is beautiful to watch, despite the rather poor narrative. The film is mostly remembered for the role played by Eva Green. Even before its release, the film was courting controversy by releasing a poster of Eva Green’s character holding a gun and clothed in a see-through dressing gown that showcased her ample assets (The poster was actually banned in most theaters). While the narrative with her character was lauded as one of the better ones, it also was controversial, as Eve Green spent almost all of her screen time in the nude, with various scenes emphasizing her body such as her midnight swimming sequence. One of the films steamiest scenes was a scene that features Ava and the film’s protagonist, Dwight, together, which sees them in an impassioned love scene that while not showing a huge amount due to shadows uses this to add to the raciness of the scene.

Spider-Man: Peter Parker and MJ – Upside-down kiss

This particular scene is viewed by many to be iconic, while  X-Men may have been one of the first popular CBM to be released, it was Spider-Man that started the phenomenon of CBM’s being king of the box office. Starring Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst, the film was a raging success. This scene, in particular, was one of the most talked about of the film, which saw Dunst’s MJ being chased into an ally by a gang of men up to no good. Spider-Man then swoops in to her rescue, disabling all of the attackers while rain pours down from above. After the fight, MJ runs over to thank her savior, soaking wet with her shirt clinging to her and leaving little to the imagination. Peter lowers himself upside down, and MJ pulls his mask down halfway, before the two share a steamy kiss. The scene, while mostly tame compared to others on this list, was at the time a bit controversial due to the films ratings and being viewed as a family-friendly movie.

X-Men The Last Stand: Mystique – Road Rescue

X-Men The Last Stand is viewed as one of the worst superhero films for many reasons. However, it can’t be said that the actors did not give it their all. In this particular scene, Mystique, played by Rebecca Romijn, is captured, and the mutants go to rescue her in a decent action sequence. The Mystique as seen in the original trilogy was far edgier and sexualized than the one seen in the First Class trilogy. Romijn wore nothing but body paint and rubber attachments to simulate her mutant skin, while Jennifer Lawrence later would wear a bodysuit. The bodypaint and rubber covered little, and the camera often followed and zoomed in on the more delicate parts of the actress’s body. The road rescue showcased this, as the camera followed the actress performing acrobatics and then zoomed in to show Mystique as the cure took effect, leaving her fully nude on the floor.

Thor: Thor – Changing scene

2011’s Thor was a fun romp and introduced us to Marvel’s God of Thunder. While not the highest grossing film, it jumpstarted the film career of Chris Hemsworth. The film is enjoyable and has some great action sequences. The scene that gets it placed on this list is in the early part of the movie, where Thor is getting changed and has an extended scene of walking around topless. The camera ogles him, as he walks around capturing every angle. It then shows the film’s female leads staring and commenting on his looks and muscles.

Comic book films and objectification

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Objectification in a film is nothing new going all the way back to silent films like Ecstasy. While it’s easy to only see when women are objectified, men are often just as objectified as women are, from Ben Affleck’s nude shower scene in Batman v. Superman to director Taika Waititi demanding Chris Hemsworth do a topless scene in Thor: Ragnarok. Let’s look at Wonder Woman. Now, there is nothing wrong with appreciating a beautiful woman. However, after the wondrous reception of Diana Prince in her self-titled solo film, most people were pretty excited about her return in the team-up extravaganza, Justice League. Wonder Woman was a very tasteful film that balanced showcasing the beautify of its star without objectifying her, while Justice League‘s seemingly endless butt shots feel a bit obtuse.

The same can be said for Watchmen. The scene is beautifully filmed, yet falls into the realm of objectification, with lots of focus given to the actor and actresses bare assets on display. The far from realistic scene (it is stylized after all) puts all the focus on the bodies and movements of the characters and adds little to the scene. In fact, the scene would have lost nothing had the camera shown clothing starting to be removed and then cut to the couple post-copulation. In the end, the scene places the viewer in the place of a voyeur by focusing on the bodies and not the story being played out.

Conversely, the upsidedown kiss from Spider-Man was filmed in a way that was very tasteful. The camera, while showing Dunst in her wet shirt, did not focus on this. it allowed it into the frame, but did not zoom or follow it. It allowed the scene to be sexy without objectifying its players. Lastly, we can look at Ava Lord from Sin City: A Dame to Kill For. Eva Green is a beautiful woman, and if she chooses to disrobe for a film that is up to her. However, one must question the film creatives who chose to shoot her the way they did. They took a very interesting characte, and a fantastic villain and ended up not making her not much more than the sum of her body parts. A film like Sin City does not need to ogle its actress. The noir shadows and darkness can allow for shots that allow the imagination to picture what’s going on. The way the camera followed and filmed Lord, makes the viewer much like in Watchmen a voyeur.

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Comic book films, in the end, are about people becoming the best version of themselves and overcoming wrongs to fight for what is good and wholesome. Thus, it seems oddly hypocritical for these same comic book films to be allowing objectification of its characters and actors/actresses. We should all support and push for meaningful change in this area of the film industry, especially in the comic book genre.

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