Uncanny X-Men: What we do and don’t need from the new series

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Image Source: Marvel Digital Comics

Do: Continue to keep Kitty Pryde a leader

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Kitty Pryde is the first, real kid of the X-Men. The original five may have been young, but not like Kitty on her first day. We watched her go from a timid, little girl, to a person Wolverine trusts to watch his back, to leader of the X-Men and mutants at the institute. It may have taken a long time, but it was well worth the wait. She continues to fit perfectly into the role of leader, and the writers have done an amazing job maintaining her growth. Cyclops may fit into the Professor X role, but Kitty Pryde should be the new Cyclops.

All these years of Kitty being out in front talking to the media, making sure the students are safe, and gaining the trust of her peers can’t have been for nothing. Cyclops may fit into the Professor X role, but Kitty Pryde should be the new Cyclops. She should be in the field, leading her own team into battle and explaining to the media why mutants shouldn’t be feared and that the X-Men will always be there to save the day. This may be the most important part of this list.