Arrowverse: 15 best Arrow moments of all-time

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Arrow — “The Longbow Hunters” — Image Number: AR702a_0354b — Pictured (L-R): Juliana Harkavy as Dinah Drake/Black Canary and Katie Cassidy as Laurel Lance/Black Siren — Photo: Dean Buscher/The CW — © 2018 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

11. Black Siren And Dinah Drake Put Their Differences Aside To Save Quentin

Episode: “Life Sentence” (Season 6, Episode 23)

Arrow‘s sixth season may have been built upon problematic feuds and contrived conflict, but one that actually made sense was the rivalry between new Black Canary, Dinah Drake and the villainous Earth-2 doppelgänger of her predecessor, Black Siren/Laurel Lance.

It wasn’t perfect, but it did give us a lot of entertaining fight scenes, as the pair took great pleasure in tearing each other apart.

However, what started out as your typical hero vs. villain storyline soon descended into something far worse when Black Siren was ordered to kill Vigilante/Vincent Sobel (the longtime love of Dinah) by Cayden James.

Though she was clearly reluctant, she used her Cry and screamed directly into his ear, killing him within a few seconds. It kick-started a blood feud between the two Canaries that would eat up a major part of the season, as Dinah attempted to kill the woman who took Vince from her. While she eventually decided against it, the pair remained at loggerheads for the remainder of the season.

However, when Siren was kidnapped by Ricardo Diaz in the season finale, her surrogate father (and the actual father of Earth-1’s Laurel), Quentin Lance ended up getting shot in the mêlée.

When Dinah showed up to make the save, there was an uncomfortable face-off between the pair. That is, until, she used her weapon to remove Laurel’s power-dampening collar – a peace-offering of sorts. And just like that, the two enemies put their differences aside to aid Quentin.

Carrying him out of the warehouse, they both used their Canary Cries to take down Diaz’s men. Dinah then took out a few more via hand-to-hand combat, but not before handing Laurel a gun to defend herself.

Not only was it epic seeing these two strong women working together, it was fulfilling to see that Black Siren’s season-long redemption arc was beginning to bear fruit. It was a worthy finish to their lengthy rivalry that set up a new journey for both in Season 7.