3 reasons we’re looking forward to BOOM! Studios’ surprise ‘Angel’ series

BOOM! Studios announces Buffy the Vampire Slayer will launch a surprise spin-off for Angel starting with issue No. 0.

When BOOM! Studios picked up the rights to the iconic franchise Buffy the Vampire Slayer, it was met with overwhelming levels of excitement from fandom. The idea of a soft reboot in a modern setting was something that felt both necessary and exciting to long time fans of BTVS, and as the series has progressed, it has become clear that BOOM! Studios is taking it very seriously.

Just ahead of the title’s fourth issue, the comic book publishers made the announcement that Angel would be rejoining the Buffyverse in a slightly different capacity. Where Angel was initially a staple in Buffy from the first through third seasons, the character is said to appear in the fourth issue which is the same release date for the official issue #0 of his self-titled series. Angel will be the first surprise comic of its time (essentially the Beyoncé of comic books), and will be exclusive to comic shops until digital release in May. So what makes us excited for the upcoming Angel title?

The Buffyverse expands!

At the moment, there has been no comment or confirmation of any crossover characters we can expect to appear. However, BOOM! Studios is very clear that both titles have the utmost respect for their original stories. With that being said, we can likely assume we’ll be seeing a few familiar faces pop up in the LA-based continuation of the Buffyverse. It is stated that Angel will also make his appearance in the fourth issue of Buffy, and Angel No. 0 will be an addition to the title that introduces how expansive the universe could be under the BOOM! Studios label. Just having multiple BTVS comics at our fingertips means we couldn’t be more thrilled to see what the future holds for the franchise.

Photo Credit” BOOM! Studios

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The unknown is captivating

By creating this new title so early, it quite literally puts readers in the dark. Everyone reading the Buffy title knows they have embraced things earlier than planned (Robin Wood, Buffy’s real job, or Willow having a girlfriend), but this truly kicks off a direction that keeps Buffy and Angel from ever having fallen in love in the first place. That doesn’t mean it still can’t happen, but with two titles going on and Buffy getting acclimated with her very new life, it doesn’t seem like the vampire and slayer will be a pair – but we’re actually okay with that.

The possibility of Angel investigations

BOOM! Studios has already referenced Angel Investigations in the initial confirmation of the Angel title, and now we just have to wait and see what happens. It would make sense for certain characters to appear earlier than planned like Fred or Gunn, but how the series will bring Wesley or Cordelia into the title is still very much unanswered. While Cordelia is making herself at home as a quick favorite in the Buffy title, it will be an adventure just seeing how the publishers decide to map out what comes next and what characters will make the cut for his new title.

Are you excited that Angel is joining the fray? Let us know your thoughts on the expanding Buffyverse!