Arrow: Why Felicity and Laurel’s friendship is a highlight of season 7

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2. It’s not a one-sided relationship

As has been demonstrated throughout this season of Arrow, Felicity and Laurel balance each other out surprisingly well.

Much of Laurel’s path to redemption was paved by her keeping Felicity on the right path and helping Felicity avoid making the same choices she did. Felicity did not “teach” Laurel how to become a better person. Rather, helping Felicity to not lose herself in darkness allowed Laurel to find herself again in the light.

That is not to say, though, that Felicity has not also played an active role in supporting Laurel. For so many years, Laurel had no one she could turn to or rely on; and, as Felicity noted in episode eighteen, maybe the choices that “bad” people make have less to do with lacking a conscience and more to do with lacking a friend.

Last season, Laurel had Quentin. Now, she has Felicity. In that same episode, when the city turned its back on Laurel, Felicity refused to do so; and, even after Laurel repeatedly rebuffed her, she still refused to walk away. Felicity wasn’t going to give up on Laurel, even if Laurel had given up on herself.