Wolverine’s 10 most tragic Marvel comic book moments

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Image Source: Digital Marvel Comics

Killing his son

Comic book series: X-Force: Final Execution

Daken has been a thorn in Logan’s side for years. Even after he found out that Logan wasn’t responsible for his mother’s death and that his father wanted to be in his life, Daken didn’t care. Daken still wanted revenge. He felt that all of the things Logan did for the young X-Men (like opening up the new school) were an insult. Daken decided to pay him back. He kidnapped Evan Ensabahnur,  which forced Logan to assemble X-Force and go after him and his Brotherhood of Mutants.

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When Wolverine arrived, Daken captured him and told him why he’s jealous. Logan reminded him that it wasn’t his choice but Daken still didn’t care. Daken even tried to drown Wolverine. It was the only way that he would stay dead. Ultimately, Logan was saved and knew what he has to do. Logan met his future self and was told that for the sake of his new school, Daken had to die. Logan made sure that happened by drowning his son in a puddle of water.

Logan may not have liked Daken, but that was still his son, and he loved him. Daken was/is an evil person, but it wasn’t his fault. Romulus raised and tortured him for years. That programming isn’t  easily destroyed. Daken may have had to die, but Wolverine regretted it, even after Daken came back from the dead.