Cyclops saves the kids from Troll Hordes in Champions No. 5

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Image by Marvel Comics

Scott Lives up to His Codename, Thanks to Humorless Writers!

As such, the “adult” Cyclops fully remembers his time flung counterpart’s tenure with the Champions, as well as his friendship with Ms. Marvel. The pair had a solid working relationship, where Scott was willing to shoulder Kamala’s burden of leadership when she needed him to, but would never step on her toes or try to “claim” a team that she was the center of. This was evident during their fight against the Freelancers, when Kamala totally lost it in despair for a stretch.

And now Cyclops has returned, literally from the dead, when Ms. Marvel needed him the most. After all the years of lambasting Scott as a “villain” for doing 10% of the things Wolverine or Iron Man have gotten away with, it is a refreshing take for him to be depicted as an inspiring and ultimately genuine hero. He also reveals things aren’t all roses for him either, and he needed to see the Champions again for his own sake. The X-Men are seemingly gone (for the 600th time) and he just lost an eye.

Image by Marvel Comics

Incidentally, it is kind of odd that Cyclops had to lose an eye. In theory it is a reference to Age Of Apocalypse, when his counterpart there had something similar happen. In practice, however, it feels as if Marvel took one of those snarky comments fans had about Cyclops for years — that he’s named “Cyclops,” yet has two eyes — and taken it far too seriously. Like when entire issues of comics explain why Hulk’s pants don’t rip. Wolverine got to come back from the dead with random new powers; why did poor Scott need to lose an eye?

Image by Marvel Comics