Deadpool comics stories with instant money-making potential as movies

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Image Source: Marvel Digital Comics

Dead Presidents

An Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s magic division (Michael Hawthorne) decided to resurrect the dead U.S. Presidents to help bring the world back to its former glory. Instead, he brought them back evil. Luckily, Captain America was on scene to kill the first of the presidents before they went on a killing spree.

However, the remaining former presidents were still at large. S.H.I.E.L.D. couldn’t send the Avengers since it would look terrible if they were photographed killing the former presidents (Steve Rogers chopped one of their heads off and the title read “Decaptain America Stars in Truman Show”). They needed someone whose reputation is so bad that no one would care if they saw him. Luckily, Deadpool already killed President Roosevelt and was more than willing to accept the payday.

This was just silly. Deadpool killing zombie U.S. Presidents ranks pretty high on the Deadpool Weird-O-Meter. Especially when he gets in a cage fight with Abe Lincoln. Regardless, this was a good story that leads to Deadpool meets Agent Preston who becomes an important part of Deadpool’s life. She came in when Deadpool needed a friend the most.

You’ll get everything you’ve wanted from a Deadpool movie.  A ton of jokes, some deep moments, and Deadpool killing random presidents who are over exaggerated caricatures of themselves. Action and comedy fans would absolutely love this.