Sophie Turner’s Jean Grey was the best part of X-Men: Dark Phoenix


Despite the bad reviews and low box office numbers, Sophie Turner was fantastic in X-Men: Dark Phoenix.

Dark Phoenix is having the worst box office opener in the history of X-Men movies. The incredibly low Rotten Tomatoes score of 22 percent and the reviews from the critics didn’t help their cause. While the movie made $107 million worldwide, it did abysmally domestically with $33 million. The new X-Men franchise low. A record that was previously held by X-Men: Apocalypse with $65 million opening weekend. The criticism was movie was harsh and sometimes mean. Especially since there was a very bright spot in Dark Phoenix. Sophie Turner is that bright spot.

Sophie Turner portrayed Jean Grey and the Dark Phoenix better than we could have hoped for. We shouldn’t be shocked. Turner was played Sansa Stark in Game of Thrones and was received by the viewers as one of the better actors on the show. The two characters may be different, but a good actor will find a way to be terrific in whatever they do. Allow me to break down why Turner was the best part of Dark Phoenix.

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The X-Men Dark Phoenix arc is one of the more popular stories in comic book history. Because of that, Sophie Turner had some big shoes to fill. Thankfully, she did it seemingly with ease. When she first absorbed the power, we got the trademark Jean Grey scream that we’ve heard in the comic books. When she first started realizing how strong she was, we saw the look of terror in her eyes because she didn’t want to hurt anyone. The best moment, and the one we were waiting for, was seeing how she looked when she became consumed and comfortable with her new strength.

There were a couple of scenes in the climax of the movie where Sophie Turner looked flat out amazing when she went dark. She was fighting Magneto and made it believable that she could defeat him easily. She looked confident and, more importantly, damn evil. As if she was proud of what she was doing to Magneto. Next, what she did and said to Xavier in their encounter was great and brutal.

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It’s unfortunate that Dark Phoenix wasn’t the 20th Century Fox send-off that it could have been. After about twenty years of producing X-Men movies, the franchise finished with disappointment. Thankfully, Sophie Turner was one of the parts. We can look back at her performance and be happy that she killed her role.