Dr. Terminal tries to eat a city in Umbrella Academy: Hotel Oblivion No. 7

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What’s Worse? Doctor Terminus or an Ogre Mom?

Doctor Terminus winds up blasting the Minerva out of the sky, slaughtering Dr. Zoo’s “super combat” superhero team! This proves dire as nearly the entire Umbrella Academy are united on the streets below (save for Vanya), and are quickly being overwhelmed. Not even a phalanx of cops are managing to do more than slow various villains down. The best each individual member can do is try to win one battle at a time and eliminate some of the larger threats from the board.

Image by Dark Horse Comics

The Rumor has wound up in a derelict movie theater, caught between an ogre mother and her old enemy, the Murder Magician. Having once nearly killed Rumor, the Magician seems to have turned over a new leaf, and is eager to save an infant named Oscar. Still wary about using her powers — the ability to literally alter reality with a lie — Rumor sees no choice. She manages to cure the ogress before she can consume her own child, but not before the Magician is mortally wounded.

Image by Dark Horse Comics

Rumor gains more than the appreciation of a strange mother and child. She gains a small dose of closure. Murder Magician has reformed, and apologizes for his past sins against her. And if he were to die, he could at least have a heroic death, having sought to save a baby as his last action. Considering her overuse of her powers led to her “forcing” a man to love her, only to lead to losing visitation rights with her son, Rumor has a renewed perspective that all of them have things they regret doing.

Image by Dark Horse Comics