5 most valuable characters in Batman ’89

Tim Burton’s Batman has a lengthy list of characters, and a number of them proved to be essential to the 1989 superhero classic.

With the 30th anniversary of Batman  in full swing, everyone is talking about the great performances of Michael Keaton and Jack Nicholson as Batman and the Joker, respectively. However here, we’ll cover the five most valuable characters from Batman.

Batman and Joker will, however, be omitted from this list. Let’s be honest, they are the overall most valuable characters, so let’s showcase some of the supporting cast that really helped make this film shine.

Let’s begin, shall we?

5. Jack Napier  (Hugo E. Blick)

No, not the Joker. When the Joker first appears in Carl Grissom’s office after the incident at AXIS Chemicals, he says that Jack is dead, so for all intents and purposes, they are two different characters. So why Jack? Without the young Jack Napier, we would not even have a film as a whole. He is the catalyst, the reason that a young Bruce Wayne becomes Gotham’s protector.

4. Carl Grissom (Jack Palance)

Much like a young Jack, Carl Grissom set things into motion that set up the two main characters. If he hadn’t been upset that Jack was having an affair with his mistress, Alicia, he would never have sent him to the AXIS Chemicals plant and ultimately into the acid that created the Joker.

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3. Alexander Knox (Robert Wuhl)

Even though Knox is only at the number three spot p, he may be the most important supporting character out of all of them. He is what every good movie needs, a surrogate. He is our eyes and ears, we see the film through his eyes. He’s constantly chasing the Batman around town, always on the lookout for a story that helps move the plot forward. Wuhl makes you almost hate the character for the way he acts around Vicki Vale, but that just keeps him in the background enough to be effective but not overbearing. For that, he makes this list.

2. Bob The Goon (Tracey Walter)

You are probably wondering why Bob makes the list. It’s really very simple. While the Joker is almost a force of nature unto himself, he needs someone to depend on. Someone who is always right there at his right hand. Someone to do the bidding that he felt was too beneath him. Someone that could lead the charge when the Joker was staying behind as to not get his hands dirty in the ensuing melee. And what does he get for all of that loyalty to a madman bent on destroying a city and murdering its population? A bullet. For these reasons, Bob The Goon is number two on this list.

1. Alfred Pennyworth (Michael Gough)

There was never really any other option for the number one on this list. Alfred is the fuel in the engine that is Batman. Without him, Batman, and Bruce Wayne as well, would almost be unable to function. Bruce even says so in the film with the line, “Without him, I wouldn’t be able to find my socks,” Now whether that is in jest to Ms. Vale is not explored but, deep down, that’s probably a factual statement. When you think about Batman, Alfred is one of the few names that is almost synonymous with him outside of people like Robin and Nightwing. Repairing his suit, tending to his wounds, and making him food are just a few of the things Alfred does.  That’s a lot for anyone to deal with ,but Alfred does it without complaining and also imparting his sage advice to Bruce. So of course, there is no one else that could have held the number one spot on this list.

Thanks for reading, and enjoy the continuing coverage of Batman here at Bam Smack Pow!