The demise of a major player in Buffy the Vampire Slayer No. 5

Being five issues into the popular Buffy the Vampire Slayer franchise, we have lost a crucial member of the Scoobies and it’s certainly a creative and unique spin on the Buffyverse.

After the revelation of the fourth issue and the possible demise of core-scoobie member Xander Harris, the fifth issue reiterates that it isn’t purely for shock value and there will be consequences. After Buffy, Willow and Giles become aware of Xander’s in-between state, there’s a definitive change of pace as the mission becomes purely Xander-centric in an attempt to save their friend (as best as possible given his undead status.)

While this is occurring, Jenny Calendar also takes action in this issue, which means BOOM! Studios is bringing back another character who suffered a dark demise. Already having an established relationship of sorts with Giles, this addition serves as a treat to hardcore fans who enjoyed the romantic developments between the two. From the knowledge of Giles and Jenny, we are informed that there is a very vague shot at combating the demonic entity striving to posses Xander and Buffy is willing to do whatever it takes. This activates Buffy’s first heavier arc so far, showing that she is already attached to her new friends and doesn’t want to lose anyone in her life – especially after establishing a new life that’s as close to normalcy as she can attain.

The vampire version of Xander receives some time in the spotlight, throwing out verbiage to shock them and portray Xander as a much darker person. Xander is a character that has always been polarizing (there’s just no doubt about it) but this change of demeanor and sense of urgency gives him some of his biggest character development that skillfully deviates from the source material. The choice is certainly a riskier decision this early into the series, but actually pays off tremendously by reiterating that this has the spirit of the Buffyverse but continues to develop exciting new potential storylines for every character.

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Seeing Buffy and Willow come to terms with losing a friend has an interesting effect on each character, most notably Buffy. We begin to see a side where she ignites an angry, pissed off slayer who shows no signs of fear at the sight of several foes. We get to see that primal part of the slayer surface and the comic is showing enough promise to prove that they do appreciate the universe built by Joss. Of course, the vampire-Xander issue isn’t fully handled quite yet, but the set up is easily enough to create excitement for readers and impresses with each turn.

The art by David López shows a shift in the series and makes his debut on the title for a very emotionally heavy issue. His art successfully grasps the changing moods of the characters from anger to concern without missing a beat. The colors by Raúl Angulo seem to focus on darker tones, setting the atmosphere for a much more somber installment of the new BTVS. Additionally, the artistic side of the issue helps build the chapter as something more grim than we’ve seen so far and alongside the writing, embodies the evil that resides within the Buffyverse. However the Xander situation is dealt with, it’ll surely cause a ripple effect for the rest of the title and shows that this new title is prepared to take risks.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer No. 5 is available now so check out the game-changing issue for yourself courtesy of BOOM! Studios.