Green Lantern Jessica Cruz is an example of overcoming fear through willpower


Green Lantern Jessica Cruz overcoming fear and anxiety shows real willpower.

The Green Lantern Corps has been a part of the DC Universe for decades. Their power is exerted from the Green Lantern Rings they wield. They are looked at as the most powerful weapons in the galaxy. The being that wields it can do almost anything, including breathe in space, create solid constructs, and even create functioning legs for someone, as Kyle Rayner once did. It’s all about their willpower. If they believe it, they can create. When they’re scared or unsure of themselves, their rings won’t be as powerful. They may not even work at all. It would make a person with crippling anxiety or fear a poor choice for a Green Lantern Ring. However, this all changed when a Power Ring went to Jessica Cruz.

Image Source: Comixology Digital Comics

Jessica Cruz saw some of her friends brutally murdered and managed to escape. Despite surviving, she felt like a coward for abandoning them. This led her to have anxiety and fear so bad that she didn’t leave her house for three years. During this time, sensing her fear, The Ring of Volthoom left its user and found its way to Jessica. She didn’t want it, but it forced itself on her. Thankfully, Batman helped her conquer her fears, and that depowered the ring. Hal Jordan later taught her how to control the ring’s power. Despite this, Jessica still had issues making constructs. Her willpower wasn’t strong enough to do it but, in Green Lanterns: Rage Planet, Jessica Cruz overcame her fear and helped save the world.

Image Source: Comixology Digital Comics

Throughout this arc, Jessica Cruz was having issues with her fear. Just leaving the house or being in a store was enough to make her skin crawl. Despite that, she remained a hero. She fought frightening beings whose powers were based on rage. There were times when she wanted to quit, but she kept fighting, even when she thought there was no hope. Overcoming her fear and self-doubt was a great message to people who suffer from crippling fear and anxiety. It may take some time to get through it, but it’s possible.

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This isn’t a real-life story, but an inspiring one nonetheless. I suffer from mental health issues. Sometimes it’s so bad  I have to fight back tears and lose interest in everything. Even my passions in life. Reading about Jessica Cruz’s issues made me look inside myself and think about my own low self-esteem and anxiety. Both have left me frozen and frightened when I had to make a decision and even crying for seemingly no reason at all. Reading her inner monologue when she talked badly about herself and then tried to tear down her self-doubt in a different thought bubble was something I try to do myself. Trying to pump yourself up when you’re having issues like this isn’t easy but, at times, it does help.

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Jessica Cruz found a way to use a ring that wouldn’t work if she doubted herself. Even with all of her fear and issues with her self-worth, Jessica managed to  dig deep inside and find the strength to overcome something that held her down for years. She even created a giant construct that destroyed the Red Lantern’s tower. before that she couldn’t make a boxing glove. Almost every hero has a story of overcoming obstacles. Jessica Cruz’s story should be looked at as one of the best. A lot of people deal with mental health issues. This story highlighted this in a way that wasn’t insulting. The best part was that Jessica acknowledged her fear and defeated it.