Spider-Man: The Inheritors would make perfect Spider-Verse villains

The Inheritors are perfect villains for the Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse franchise.

Most would agree that Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse will continue to be a successful franchise. The visuals of the first movie were stunning, and the story was phenomenal. Then there’s the heroes. Each of them offered a different piece of the puzzle to make the movie complete. Going forward, it’s likely that we’re going to see more Spider-Beings from different realities. The ones that starred in the movie and the 2099 Spider-Man that popped up after the credits were just the beginning. However, just like there are heroes in the multiverse, there are also plenty of threats in it, as well.

In the Amazing Spider-Man run by J. Michael Straczynski, a villain named Morlun was introduced, and he was something Spider-Man has never fought. Morlun is like a vampire but, instead of blood, he feeds off the energy or essence of totems. In Peter Parker’s case, it’s his spider essence. Morlun was stronger than anyone he’s fought and, as Morlun put it, “I do not tire. I do not grow weary. I do not give up.” After a day-long chase and getting beat down, Peter found a way to defeat him. However, Morlun came back. Spider-Man killed him, but Morlun came back again. How? He was being cloned by his brother. Yep, there are more of them and they’re called the Inheritors.

Image Source: Comixology Digital Comics

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The Inheritors are an elder race who feed off totems. Besides being incredibly strong, they’re ruthless and intelligent. One of them unlocked the mysteries of cloning, and they have access to every reality in the multiverse. Throughout the years, they’ve killed and eaten countless totems to stay alive. It’s one thing to be a predator, but the Inheritors are also arrogant while they hunt. In Dan Slott’s Amazing Spider-Man: Spider-Verse, it took the combined forces of multiple Spider-Beings to take them down. However, they do make another appearance in Christos Gage’s Spider-Geddon. We’ve seen Norman Osborn, the Shocker, and a host of other Spider-Man villains, but the Inheritors are the Spider-Verse villains we deserve.

Even though Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is animated, it has a darker and realistic feel to it. In that world, people die and it happens brutally. With this, the Inheritors would fit right in. When they drain people of their life-force, it’s depicted as a giant beam of light  beingremoved from their bodies. This is perfect for an animated film because it won’t involve any blood. However, they’ll still be aggressive villains for the heroes to defeat. When they attack, they go hard. And since they aren’t villains that can be beaten with punches alone, the heroes will have to get creative.

Since they jump from Earth to Earth, we’ll see different Spider-Beings. It’s awesome seeing different versions of Spidey. In the comics, Morlun defeated the Spidey from the Marvel vs. Capcom universe. There’s also the other Spidey characters. One of the Inheritors uses hounds on her hunt. These hounds are all people who’ve fought with or against Spider-Man who obey her every command. This adds even more familiar faces from the multiverse into the movie. Little things like this people will eat up.

The Inheritors would make for terrific villains for one big reason — they won’t be defeated in one movie. There could be a trilogy focused on them alone. During this, we’ll probably lose more Spider-Beings and even the ones that we love (most likely the Peter who helped train Miles Morales in Into the Spider-Verse). It would be an emotional rollercoaster, ending with the defeat of one of the most heinous groups of villains any Spider-Being has faced. In the post-credits scene of Into the Spider-Verse, Spider-Man 2099 told Spider-Man of Earth 67 that he needed to come with him. Maybe he was trying to protect him from being devoured by the Inheritors. If this is the case, they better leave in a hurry. It’ll take more than two of them to beat one of the Inheritors.