Thor: Love and Thunder – Could Lady Sif be King Valkyrie’s new flame?

Valkyrie’s newly declared status as the MCU’s first LGBTQ+ character has created a buzz of excitement and theorizing about her eventual love interest and, now, a Thor actress has thrown a new contender into the fray.

Ever since Marvel declared that Valkyrie would be the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s first LGBTQ+ character at San Diego Comic-Con, there has been furious speculation as to whom would help turn this concept into a reality.

Now, a recent tweet from Jaimie Alexander, who has played Lady Sif in the Thor movies, might offer a hint:

Although enthusiasm from actors is no clear indication of whether a storyline is actually in the works, there are a few reasons why Lady Sif might make a good royal companion to the new King of Asgard.

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Firstly, Lady Sif has not truly been included in the MCU itself since Thor: The Dark World in 2013. Given that so much has changed in the world of Marvel’s heroes and how much time has passed in the real world, intertwining her story with fan-favorite Valkyrie’s could help stir her back into the story in a compelling way.

Secondly, Jaimie Alexander was also due to reprise her role in Thor: Ragnarok, but was unable to due to scheduling conflicts. Interestingly, Valkyrie was also supposed to be revealed as bisexual during the same movie, but the scene was cut. Perhaps, with Alexander’s schedule now clear, both of the above missed opportunities can come to life.

Thirdly, Lady Sif is an entrenched Asgardian, who has loyally defended her world time and time again, thus making her a fitting girlfriend for the realm’s ruler. Although other possible relationships, such as one between Carol Danvers, Captain Marvel, and Valkyrie have been heavily considered by fans and actresses alike, kings are bound to their worlds and being romantically entangled with a warrior equally devoted to Asgard might make the most sense.

Only time will tell who will win Valkyrie’s heart, but as per Tessa Thompson at SDCC, one thing is for sure. “As new king, she needs to find her queen…That will be her first order of business. She has some ideas. Keep you posted.”