Marvel Studios’ Kevin Feige cried during a certain Avengers: Endgame scene

Kevin Feige discusses the scene in Avengers: Endgame that brought him to tears.

Avengers: Endgame gave fans plenty of reasons to cheer, laugh and scream, but it also gave them a few moments that likely brought tears to their eyes. And they’re not alone, as Marvel Studios’ Kevin Feige also got emotional during a particular sequence.

During a recent Q&A with Empire Magazine, Feige revealed that he cried during the “Portals” scene in the film’s third act. Even watching unfinished versions of the climactic moment made him emotional:

"“Almost every version, starting with the green screen, just actors running down a green ramp version, got me. Every time.”"

The producer went on to say that the battle struck an even larger emotional chord with him than the deaths in the movie. This mostly stemmed from the fact that, in reality, the actors playing the roles are not actually deceased:

"“More so than any of the deaths. At some point I know they’re not dead, the actors aren’t dead, it’s not real. That moment of them all returning, with me it goes even deeper because it’s, ‘Holy Toledo, we’ve introduced all these actors, we’ve made movies of all these characters.’ So that got me a number of times.”"

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The deaths of Tony Stark and Natasha Romanoff hit hard, particularly the former’s, which occurred at the tail end of the massive battle and was followed by a funeral. Still, we all know Robert Downey Jr. is still in the land of the living and that the legacy of Tony Stark will live on in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. And in Natasha Romanoff’s case, not only is Scarlett Johansson still alive, but Black Widow is also returning to the MCU in her own solo film next year.

The “Portals” sequence quickly became Avengers: Endgame’s crown jewel, as it featured the heroes of the MCU coming together to defeat Thanos once and for all. The sheer number of characters present paired with Alan Silvestri’s score was more than enough to make fans misty-eyed in the theater.

There’s no telling how or if Marvel Studios will be able to top the instantly iconic scene in a future film. But knowing Marvel, they’re likely going to try to give audiences something even bigger down the road.