Marvel Comics characters perfect for the horror movie genre

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227_xb_8625_v1060_left.1092_R3 – Mystique (Jennifer Lawrence) pauses during an epic, earth-shattering battle with Apocalypse. Photo Credit: Courtesy Twentieth Century Fox.
227_xb_8625_v1060_left.1092_R3 – Mystique (Jennifer Lawrence) pauses during an epic, earth-shattering battle with Apocalypse. Photo Credit: Courtesy Twentieth Century Fox. /


Mystique has caused so much pain in her life. Not just physical. Her shape-shifting powers have made her the foremost leader in mind games. Raven Darkholme has ruined lives, toppled regimes, and destroyed romantic and platonic relationships. What makes this worse is that she enjoys it. There was an issue of Uncanny X-Men: The Draco where Mystique laughed as she obliterated someone’s reputation by making them out to be something they weren’t. Sometimes that kind of besmirchment can’t be undone. Raven takes pleasure in doing it and she’s really good at it.

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Psychological thrillers are movies that never seem to go out of style. A movie like this starring Mystique could take things to another level. There’s a question of who did what and when. In this case, the answer is simple; Mystique did it. That doesn’t mean she was guilty of everything, and it won’t take away from the movie.

Mystique’s games will eventually put people against each other. That’s the best part, watching her play everyone like marionettes. In the end, she will have caused more chaos than any one person could. Her movies don’t even have to be violent, just scary enough to make you jump and question everything from the beginning and even after the movie ends. Jordan Peele may need to get on this and also cast Janelle Monáe in the lead role.

Next. 9 MCU moments that could be used for ‘What If…?’. dark

What other Marvel characters would you like to see in horror films like these? Let us know in the comments below.