13. Inhumans
The idea of an Inhuman show may not seem like a great idea. Why? Because they’ve never been used properly in Marvel Comics. Whenever the writers wanted to make someone look strong, they usually had them beat the Inhumans after saying how no one can defeat them. Despite that flaw, this show should have worked — which is possibility why we could be looking at an Inhumans reboot.
The Inuhmans have some cool powers and all of the main characters have personalities that people can relate to. Take Black Bolt and Medusa for example. Both of them are strong rulers with a link that most couples can only dream of. Without Black Bolt uttering a word, she knows what he’s going to say and how he feels. This should have been a win. A chance to bring the Inhumans from the Blue Area of the Moon and into the spotlight. Instead, we got a show that we’d all like to forget.
With the exception of a couple of characters, the acting was deplorable. Crystal was so bad that her weather powers must have been used to suck the air out of any scene she was in. This wasn’t her fault entirely. The script was just bad. Maybe the most egregious thing was cutting Medusa’s hair. It doesn’t matter if it was due to the cost of CGI.
Do it right or not at all. They cut corners and it showed. We could spend all day dissecting this mess, but let’s move on.