Harley Quinn: The 10 best moments from season 2

Harley Quinn 2, ep. 10 “Dye Hard” Image Courtesy Warner Bros. Television Distribution/DC Universe
Harley Quinn 2, ep. 10 “Dye Hard” Image Courtesy Warner Bros. Television Distribution/DC Universe /
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Harley Quinn, Harley Quinn season 2
Harley Quinn 2, ep. 10 “Dye Hard” Image Courtesy Warner Bros. Television Distribution/DC Universe /

10. Dr. Psycho shows his true colors

Episode: “Dye Hard

Dr. Psycho never really fit with Harley Quinn and her crew. Everyone seemed to want to have fun and, y’know, not be jerks about it. Dr. Psycho just wanted to rule the world and put women down. When he got the opportunity, he tried to do just that.

He got a helmet to upgrade his powers and controlled every parademon in Gotham CIty. He also used those powers to control King Shark and Clayface. During his moment of power, he told Harley it was also because he hated working for a woman. In the end, he was defeated by Harley and Poison Ivy. That loss caused Darkseid to threaten revenge on planet Earth. Thanks, Dr. Psycho!

No one is shocked by Dr. Psycho’s betrayal. He seemed to be more into being a villain than the rest of the crew. Clayface wanted to be a famous actor. King Shark seemed to be there for his friends. While Harley Quinn just had something to prove and Ivy stayed for her.

The question is whether or not he’ll be back. Will Dr. Psycho need Harley and the crew down the line? Will he become a villain? Regardless, his next moment started with the switching sides.