HBO Max prequel series, Gotham Central, that delves into corruption in Gotham from the eyes of the GCPD is set a year before Matt Reeves’ The Batman.
As per NME, it has been revealed that the upcoming Gotham Central spin-off – written by Matt Reeves and Terence Winter and produced by 6th and Idaho Productions for HBO Max – is to be set a year before Robert Pattinson’s The Batman.
Unlike the Bruno Heller and Danny Cannon helmed FOX series Gotham, which aired five seasons that documented the lead-up to Batman’s debut, this upcoming series is set during “Year One” of Battinson’s tenure as The Dark Knight. Thus, the standalone Batman film is set during “Year Two” – something that was confirmed during the DC FanDome event.
The series is centered on the Gotham City Police Department and will expand on the world of the most current iteration of the Caped Crusader but from the focal point of the law enforcement who detain the criminals that plague the city of Gotham.
With all intents and purposes, Gotham Central is the drama series that many believed FOX’s Gotham was initially meant to be. As explained in The Batman panel, it will explore the corruption of the GCPD and will “[examine the] anatomy of corruption in Gotham City.” It will cover the different aspects of the capital. Reeves explained:
"“You start to see the story from the point of view of these corrupt cops, one in particular.”“[It] goes back to Batman Year One… we’ll see these characters from a perspective we’ve never seen before.”"
Gotham Central currently has no release date nor cast announcements confirmed. Daniel Pipski, Adam Kassan and Dylan Clark are executive producers of the series.
Centring on a young caped–and–cowl crusader fairly early on in his crime-fighting career The Batman stars Robert Pattinson, Zoë Kravitz, Andy Serkis, Colin Farrell, Paul Dano, Jeffrey Wright, John Turturro, Jayme Lawson and Peter Sarsgaard.
Are you looking forward to the Gotham Central series on HBO Max? What are you hoping to see from it? Let us know in the comments below!