As we close out our trilogy of pieces, we look at 10 more comic book projects and characters have so much wasted potential on the screen.
Since the very first live-action comic book movie or TV project, there have been missteps. Like everything in life, nothing is perfect, but what matters is how much of a misstep it actually is. Sometimes they’re obvious as soon as they happen, other times it takes years to notice them – we’ll go revisit them down the line and see the mistakes we missed the first time around.
Now, most of these errors are opinion-based. Let’s look at the first Spider-Man trilogy for example. The first two movies didn’t have a lot of jokes (like you’d expect from Spidey). While this writer wanted more quips, they were still incredible movies. Now, let’s look at Spider-Man 3. You’ll rarely find anyone who likes anything about that movie. A lot could have been changed to make that movie more than just a stain on Tobey Maguire’s franchise.
For example, the video below is still considered cringeworthy by most over a decade later, wasting much of the Spider-Man franchise’s overflowing potential.
We’ve looked at projects that wasted all that comic book potential before. In part 1, this writer talked about Logan getting an R-rating too late and whatever that thing was that they called Doomsday. Part 2 brought up Victor Von Doom in any of the Fantastic Four movies and Lady Deathstrike. The discussion wasn’t just about how bad they were. There was the idea of the character design, not having the proper movie rating, and other factors. A lot goes into figuring out whether or not a character lived up to their potential.
This will be the final installment of this Wasted Potential series. The third in the trilogy. Hopefully, this writer won’t pull an X-Men: The Last Stand or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3. Let’s begin with something that people universally agree with.