The Flash season 7 shock exit explained: Is [SPOILER] really dead?

The Flash -- "The Exorcism of Nash Wells" -- Image Number: FLA615a_0034b.jpg -- Pictured (L-R): Grant Gustin as Barry Allen and Tom Cavanagh as Nash Wells -- Photo: Katie Yu/The CW -- © 2020 The CW Network, LLC. All rights reserved
The Flash -- "The Exorcism of Nash Wells" -- Image Number: FLA615a_0034b.jpg -- Pictured (L-R): Grant Gustin as Barry Allen and Tom Cavanagh as Nash Wells -- Photo: Katie Yu/The CW -- © 2020 The CW Network, LLC. All rights reserved

The Flash season 7 opened with a jaw-dropping death but is the beloved character really gone for good?

The Flash season 7 made a thunderous debut on screens. The long-running Arrowverse show returned after a lengthy hiatus as it aired its first episode in over nine months – and it made sure that we would all be talking about it after the credits rolled.

The premiere, “All’s Well That Ends Wells”, was an episode that highlighted its title was more than a clever pun. No, this episode was a real tearjerker as one – or, well, many – beloved Flash character laid down his life so that Barry could run again.

But is Nash Wells’ demise really end for every Harrison Wells on the show?

Is Nash Wells really dead on The Flash season 7?

Nash Wells sacrificed himself so that he could give Barry Allen the ability to once again become The Flash. In order to create the Artificial Speed Force, they needed the multiversal energy that was connected to him. And, as a result, he did what he was understandably afraid to do.

But Nash wasn’t the only one who went because all of the major Harrison Wells from over the years – Harry Wells, H.R. Wells, Sherloque Wells etc. – all went with him, but not before all of them bid a fond farewell to their beloved Mr. Allen.

It was an emotional moment no doubt and it remains unclear if Nash and the other Wells’ are truly gone.

Is Tom Cavanagh leaving The Flash in season 7?

Tom Cavanagh has entertained us all since The Flash began by playing a different version of Harrison Wells in almost every single season (he reprised the role of Season 2’s Harry in Season 4 and sporadically returns as Eobard Thawne). Naturally, the demise of virtually every character he played has fans concerned that he might be leaving the show.

Fear not, Flash fans as showrunner Eric Wallace has confirmed in an interview with TVLine that Cavanagh is not leaving the show and that he will be resurfacing in a “unique way we haven’t seen before”.

Moreover, let’s not forget that Thawne is still out there in the ether, waiting to strike. As he was supposed to do so in the originally-planned season 6 finale, don’t be surprised if the Reverse-Flash shows up in a number of episodes.

Regardless of which Wells he plays, we’re just happy to know that Tom Cavanagh will be remaining on the show.

Were you shocked by Nash Wells’ unexpected death on The Flash? Which Harrison Wells was your favorite? Let us know in the comments below!