Eternals: 6 burning questions fans need answered

Ikaris (Richard Madden) in Marvel Studios' ETERNALS. Photo courtesy of Marvel Studios. ©Marvel Studios 2021. All Rights Reserved.
Ikaris (Richard Madden) in Marvel Studios' ETERNALS. Photo courtesy of Marvel Studios. ©Marvel Studios 2021. All Rights Reserved.
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6. Will the Eternals’ Ajak return?

It was sad when we saw Ajak dead in front of her home but it was even worse when we found out who killed her. Ajak seemed like the heart and mother of the Eternals family. Whenever they needed kindness or healing (physically and emotionally) she was there. It’s too bad she didn’t make it to the end of the story. Nonetheless, might be good news. She may not be gone for good.

Ajak’s healing powers are the easy way to bring her back, but there’s an even easier way. The Eternals are created, remember? Arishem could always make another Ajak, right? One who will listen to him without question. He could also use a new Ajak to spy on the rest of the Eternals and report back to him. Don’t be shocked if she returns in some capacity in the future.

5. Is Ikaris dead?

When he found that Ajak was against Arishem’s plan, Ikaris had her killed. In the end, he had a chance to stop his family and let the world be destroyed, but he ultimately couldn’t hurt Sersi. After realizing that, he helped her save the world. When everything was over, in a very Superman-like ending, Ikaris flew into outer space, looked at Earth one more time, and flew into the sun.

Considering that Marvel always kills their villains, we can assume that Ikaris is dead. Although, we don’t know his power levels. For all we know, he could be in the sun crying or meditating on what to do next. This writer believes he will return at some point.