Batman suffers a devastating betrayal and needs major DC villain’s help

ROBERT PATTINSON as Batman in Warner Bros. Pictures’ action adventure “THE BATMAN,” a Warner Bros. Pictures release. Courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures/ ™ & © DC Comics. Pictures release. © 2021 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.
ROBERT PATTINSON as Batman in Warner Bros. Pictures’ action adventure “THE BATMAN,” a Warner Bros. Pictures release. Courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures/ ™ & © DC Comics. Pictures release. © 2021 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.

The members of Batman Inc. turned against their founder and leader in this new issue of Batman.

Years ago, Bruce Wayne started thinking bigger than Gotham City. With that thought, he created and founded a company called Batman Inc. It was a way to protect people in more places than Gotham City. But after losing his fortune (read Batman: The Joker War for more on that), he had to step down as the owner.

In Batman No. 118, he left Gotham and traveled to Badhnisia where he discovered that members of his company killed Abyss. If that wasn’t enough, he also found out that Lex Luthor bought his company.

In the next issue, he discovered that Abyss was actually alive and during their fight, the villain blinded Bruce. Without anywhere to go, the Dark Knight was forced to put his trust in Detective Cayha.

Later, with Detective Cayha’s aid, Bruce sneaks into the prison where the accused members of Batman Inc. are being held. He tries to help them escape, but they refuse. Lex Luthor shows up to assist Bruce, but it’s too late. Bruce’s former employees had not only turned on him, but Abyss is their new leader. The issue ends with Abyss asking Bruce to join them and assist in killing Lex Luthor. A shock since they were working for Luthor and they said he gave them a mission when Bruce wouldn’t

What does this mean for Batman?

Bruce Wayne is in a terrible position. First, he was betrayed by people he trusted with his name and company. Second, he’s relying on someone he barely knows to tell him what’s in front of him and keep him from getting hurt or killed. Third, and the part Bruce probably hates more than anything, he’ll have to trust Lex Luthor to make it out alive.

The latter isn’t as bad as we may think despite Lex having done some deplorable things in the past. Nevertheless, he actually wants humanity to strive. He didn’t take Batman Inc. to insult Bruce. Sure, that was an added bonus that came with the purchase, but Luthor truly believes that the world needs the Dark Knight.

Bruce may not want to trust Luthor, but he doesn’t have a choice since Lex is actually being sincere. At least it looks that way for now.

What do you think? Should Batman trust Luthor? What do you think is going on with Batman Inc. and Abyss? Let us know in the comments below.