Wolverine, Moira MacTaggert, and Mystique are all on the the hunt in X Deaths of Wolverine.
X Deaths of Wolverine started with the focus on Moira MacTaggert being on the run from Raven Darkholme, a.k.a. Mystique, following the ramifications of Inferno. Moira had been working on something to “cure” mutants of their powers and this isn’t something Raven is going to let go.
On top of that, it appears Wolverine has been infected by the Technarch virus and no one knows what he’s up to.
Both stories continue in X Deaths of Wolverine No. 2. However, instead of more answers from the Marvel series, there are more questions and a death.
Moira cuts and kills
Moira is still on the run from Mystique and the CIA. It didn’t take long for her to figure out how Raven was tracking her – the arm Warlock gave her. In one of the most bad-@$$ moments of the year, Moira cut the arm off and used it to lure Raven into a trap. And it worked as Mystique burst into her Hotel room, guns blazing only to be blown up and killed by Moira’s attack.
You have to appreciate the way Moira tricked Mystique. Raven is one of the best trackers and assassins in any genre. Yet, she was taken out.
Soon after, we saw Mystique’s wife Destiny thinking to herself. She knew this would happen. Unfortunately, Mystique, as Destiny put it, sees the future as negotiable. Destiny then ended her thoughts with some hope, envisioning a man in black and calling him Death himself.
However, it turns out that the man she’s talking about is the Wolverine that appeared from the egg in X Deaths of Wolverine No. 1.

Wolverine hunts
We first see this Wolverine come from the ocean and steal a ship from some kids. The good news is that he didn’t kill them. He even gave them a chance to jump instead of just attacking. So there’s some good left in him. The bad part is he went to Moira’s hotel right after. We don’t know if he’s going after Mystique to help Moira or after Moira to help the rise of the machines (see Inferno No. 4 for more on that).
His part in this story gets weirder. According to Forge, the Krakoan egg Logan came out of is a thousand years older than Krakoa itself. This makes no sense until you consider that in X Lives of Wolverine, Logan is jumping through time.
X Deaths of Wolverine left this writer with two thoughts. First, time-travel in comic books is among the most confusing things of all time and is used to explain and fix almost everything. Second, the X Lives of/Deaths of Wolverine is going to be another thing Logan will hate about himself. It may even damn him for good.
X of Questions
- Who is Logan working for? Is he trying to help or hurt Moira?
- What happened to Wolverine after Jean Grey saw him? Does she know what’s really going on?
- How is the egg that hatched out of Krakoa older than Krakoa itself? Does this prove the chicken and the egg question?
- How does this connect to Logan jumping through time? Does it actually connect?
What do you think, readers? Do you have thoughts on what’s going on with Wolverine and Moira? Let us know in the comments below.