Matching 32 Marvel Cinematic Universe characters with each NFL team
By Mark Lynch
Miami Dolphins – Malekith
Say whatever you want about the Miami Dolphins, they’re an iconic team. Dan Marino didn’t need to win a Super Bowl to become a legend. His stats spoke for themselves. They were also one of the most recognized teams in the 1990s.
We can accept that not every team is going to be good, but every fan base has high expectations for their teams. It’s kind of like how comic book fans hoped Malekith would be. In the comics, he was funny in a twisted way. A worthy foe for Thor and someone Loki could battle forever. What we got in the movies is one of the most disappointing villains in MCU history. Sort of like the Dolphins in recent history.
If Malektih became the villain we deserved, he would have surpassed Loki and maybe even Thanos. Alas, it didn’t happen. Dan Marino deserved better as well.
In his 16 year career, he only missed the playoffs 7 times. Both Malekith and Marino are among the best. Marino is fifth all-time in pass yards. Recently, Malekith started one of the biggest wars in all of the Nine Realms. Only true fans of football know how amazing Marino was. The same could be said for Malekith and Marvel Comics fans.