1. Manu Bennett
Manu Bennett’s portrayal of Deathstroke/Slade Wilson in The CW’s Arrow was a standout performance that quickly became a fan-favorite among viewers of the show.
What helped to set Bennett’s spin on the character stand out was how the writers found a way to make the character a well-rounded and layered villain.
Bennett’s physical presence was undeniable, with his impressive stature and imposing demeanor, he made for a formidable opponent for Oliver Queen and the rest of Team Arrow. But it was his ability to convey the emotional turmoil and conflicted nature of the character that truly set his performance apart.
As Slade Wilson, Bennett showed a range of emotions, from anger and resentment to heartbreak and vulnerability, making him a multi-dimensional character rather than a one-note villain. Bennett’s physicality was also a standout element of his performance. He brought a fierce intensity to every fight scene, making each one a thrilling spectacle.
Bennett’s chemistry with Stephen Amell’s Oliver Queen led to their dynamic becoming one of the most memorable and captivating in the show’s history. The chemistry between Bennett and Amell was electric, adding another layer to their complicated relationship as former friends turned bitter enemies turned frienemies.
Bennett’s performance as Deathstroke was the best adaptation we’ve seen of the character. Bennett’s performance is often cited as one of the highlights of the series, and it’s easy to see why. He delivered a standout performance that will be remembered for years to come and set the bar for all future adaptations of the character.