Marvel Comics’ newest marriage will consist of Tony Stark (Iron Man) and the X-Men’s Emma Frost, but there’s more to this than love and happiness.
Way back in the Marvel Comics Civil War No. 3, readers find out that Emma Frost and Tony Stark (Iron Man) had an agreement if they were both single. They’d get together for a no strings attached meet-up to…satisfy each other’s needs. Years later (Avengers vs X-Men), that relationship was tarnished. It looks like their relationship is taking another step. According to, Iron Man and the White Queen are getting married in September.
In the post, writer Gerry Duggan said:
"“Neither seems like the marrying type. Why this works, and how this works, and how much fun this is whether their marriage works or not will need to be seen to be believed and you’ll have to buy it to find out! They certainly don’t seem like they’re ready to be married to anyone, let alone to each other, but life can change quickly.”"
As unlikely as this pair may seem, they have a lot in common. Tony and Emma come from money, have complicated relationships with their fathers, are members of elite superhero teams, and enjoy the finer things in life. And, as was mentioned earlier, they have a previous relationship. That’s only some of the similarities that make this a match. However, this union is about more than love. This seems to be a business transaction as well.
You are cordially invited to the wedding of Anthony Edward Stark and Emma Grace Frost. 💍 Attire is Hellfire formal. Orchis raid to follow.
— Marvel Entertainment (@Marvel) June 19, 2023
Save the date — the 'X-Men' #26 and 'Invincible Iron Man' #10 crossover hits shelves this September! Read more:
Iron Man and Emma Frost’s relationship explained
Neither Tony Stark nor Emma Frost does anything without thinking about the business aspect of things. Even in something like marriage, love may not be the biggest reason. Sure, they’ve both been in love and made irrational decisions because of it. Nevertheless, it’s not something they normally do. This is likely the case here.
Tony Stark is always into something. Marrying Emma Frost allows Stark to come and go from Krakoa. Wilson Fisk was granted the same thing after marrying Typhoid Mary (X-Men No. 20). Tony Stark wanted a closer look at Krakoa’s technology (read the 2022 Hellfire Gala for more on that). Having citizenship there will give him access. It won’t be shocking when he works with Forge to improve his Iron Man armor. Forge and other mutant scientists will take advantage of Iron Man being there as well. Together they’ll find a way to stop Orchis.
Iron Man marrying Emma Frost in Marvel Comics should bring mutants and humans together. It helps with the X-Men’s PR too. Having an Avenger on Krakoa means the teams are together. Unfortunately, this could backfire. People hate mutants so much it could lead to the Avengers losing supporters. Thankfully, the Avengers don’t care about that. They just want to help people. This marriage could also be how the Uncanny Avengers team is formed.
Another benefit of having Tony Stark is his business and futurist mind. The Hellfire Trading Company could take a hit thanks to Orchis (X-Men No. 22). Tony could help them regain their standing. He knows how to come back from negative press and can see how things will change. Sebastian Shaw may not like it, but money talks and Shaw loves being rich.
If there’s a comic book wedding, then there’s a chance a villain will interrupt it. As the Marvel tweet said, “Orchis raid to follow.” The last thing Orchis wants is the Avengers and X-Men teaming up. It makes their job of annihilation and total control more difficult. If this writer had to guess, this wedding will be Orchis’ first major loss since House of X back in 2019. Attacking a wedding with Earth’s Mightiest Heroes and Mutants isn’t a bright idea. However intelligent Orchis may be, they’re arrogant enough to think they could win.
The marriage of Iron Man and Emma Frost will take place in X-Men No. 26 and Iron Man No. 10. Both are written by the incredible Gerry Duggan. Whatever happens in those issues will further the story of Iron Man, the X-Men, and Marvel Comics in general. He’s a writer that you can trust to take care of Marvel’s characters. Unfortunately, readers will have to wait until both issues are released in September to find out what happens.
Stay tuned to Bam Smack Pow for news on this event and more.
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