Harley Quinn season 4 gets exciting release date update

Harley Quinn season 3. Photograph by Courtesy of HBO Max
Harley Quinn season 3. Photograph by Courtesy of HBO Max

Harley Quinn season 4 is on its way and Legion of Bats! comic book series revealed that this season will affect more than just the show’s star. 

Harley Quinn’s consistent season releases have helped prevent the animated series from disappointing its fans. The show hasn’t skipped a year of production even through the pandemic, which wasn’t easy to do.

Even with the lengthier wait for season 3, the show has continued to entertain fans via social media posts, teases, and more, all while the creative team continues to put out a great product. There is even a couple of comic book series and a Valentine’s Day special that help tell what happened in between seasons as we wait for season 4.

Even though there are other ways to keep up with HBO’s Harley Quinn, viewers still wanted to know when season 4 would premiere. Thankfully, the wait is over. As revealed by TVLine, everyone’s favorite antihero, Poison Ivy, Bane, and the rest of the crew will return for the Harley Quinn season 4 premiere on Thursday, July 27.

What to expect from Harley Quinn season 4

After praising the new writer and show-runner Sarah Peters, co-creator Patrick Schumacker had an encouraging update about season 4. He told Variety, “There’s her new role with the Legion of Doom. There’s something Justin and I would not have immediately gone toward – I’m trying not to spoil anything – but she did an amazing job.”

Season 4 of Harley Quinn will hit on more than just Harley and Ivy’s relationships. In Harley Quinn: The Animated Series: Legion of Bats! comic book series, Ivy was attempting to put together a new Legion of Doom. Unfortunately, Harley’s relationship with the Bat-Family put a dampener on that. The good news is it stopped Ivy from hiring someone who was working with Black Mask. That shows a big improvement from Lex Luthor’s Legion of Doom. Ivy isn’t only looking for people who can do the job. The L.O.D. may be evil, but they’ll no longer be deplorable.

Another storyline will be what Clayface and King Shark do next. After Harley revealed she was working with the Bat-Family, King Shark said he couldn’t associate with someone who works with heroes. It would affect his reputation in the villain community.

Despite leaving the crew, it’s unlikely that King Shark and Clayface won’t be on the show. They’re fan favorites. Whatever’s next for them probably won’t immediately involve Harley. However, the Bat-Family and Harley Quinn’s team-up won’t last forever. Harley and Gotham’s premiere vigilantes can’t last. Harley will eventually do something they disapprove of and she’ll be kicked out of the group. When that happens, Shark and Clayface will be there for her. Even if it doesn’t they’ll always be her friend.

Stay tuned to Bam Smack Pow for more news on Harley Quinn when it comes out especially since a trailer should be right around the corner.

What do you think will happen in season 4 of Harley Quinn