Love, Death + Robots: 15 of the best episodes ranked from worst to best

Love Death + Robots season three - Courtesy Netflix
Love Death + Robots season three - Courtesy Netflix
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14. “Suits”

In the heart of the countryside, where the gentle hum of nature meets the serenity of never-ending and blossoming fields, an unlikely and unforeseen adventure brews. “Suits” paints a vivid picture of a world where the tranquil beauty of farmlands faces more than just the challenges of nature; they’re up against extraterrestrial threats.

As aliens invade and attack, the resilient farmers surprise us by swapping their traditional tools for the might of high-tech machinery, kind of like in Pacific Rim. This awesome blend of farmland living and cutting-edge combat creates a really unique and fun narrative. It’s a story that celebrates the determination, cheering on the heroes who rise to defend their cherished homeland.

“Night of the Mini Dead” – Love, Death & Robots – Netflix © 2023
“Night of the Mini Dead” – Love, Death & Robots – Netflix © 2023

13. “Night of the Mini Dead”

Zombies have always been the stuff of nightmares before becoming annoyingly overdone for stories and games. But, when they come pint-sized, the game changes entirely. Imagine a world where the dead don’t tower over you but nip at your heels.

This hilarious and pretty refreshing twist on the typical undead catastrophe starts right where you’d least expect it – or if you’ve seen enough horror movies later, exactly where you’d expect it to start – from a peculiar “rendezvous” in a graveyard. And in no time, these miniature monstrosities are marching everywhere – from the bustling streets of LA to the sacred halls of the Vatican.

Ready for a knee-slapping undead adventure? I didn’t think I was either, but it is pretty hilarious.