Star Wars isn’t perfect and it’s very easy to bump heads when it comes to certain things both in the Star Wars universe and out. Let’s talk about that.
Ah, Star Wars! Just saying the name brings up memories of epic and iconic lightsaber duels, massive space battles, and unforgettable characters that have spanned generations.
From its birth in 1977, Star Wars has been more than just a movie franchise – it’s a cultural staple. When Disney acquired Lucasfilm in 2012, fans the world over held their breaths in anticipation – surely, Disney would take good care of the franchise that helped turn many of us into nerds and self-proclaimed experts on the world George Lucas created. Surely, this match made in heaven would reinvigorate the iconic saga… right?
Well… if you’ve been floating around the Star Wars universe lately, you’ll know that the sequel trilogy has faced its fair share of criticism as well as praise, though the criticism is often louder. Let’s set nostalgia aside for a moment and have a real talk here: There are some big problems with these movies.
You may have enjoyed them as their own movies – and hey, so did I to an extent – but there are inconsistencies, character issues, and narrative gaps that have made it impossible for any two fans to agree with each other thus making Star Wars one of the most toxic fandoms ever known.
The phrase “nobody hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans” has been around for a bit, and it does have some truth to it. Now, don’t get me wrong; the sequels have their own moments of brilliance, but they also have flaws that have definitely attributed to so much hatred towards the franchise and, by extension, the House of Mouse.
Let’s talk about eight specific issues nobody wants to admit about Star Wars, shall we?