Can you imagine sitting for four hours just to do makeup? Zoe Saldana doesn’t have to imagine – she’s been there.
As the curtains draw to a close for Zoe Saldana in the MCU after Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, the actress who brought Gamora to life isn’t holding back as she shares her journey as Gamora with The Direct. Retiring her green and cranky alter-ego, Saldana expressed a whirlwind of emotions about parting ways with her iconic character, Gamora.
But, one thing will not be missed.
"“(…) I’m gonna miss Gamora, but I’m not gonna miss the four-hour makeup.”"
Yeah… None of us blame you for feeling like that, girl. I can’t sit still for longer than it takes to write an article – there’s no way I’d have the patience and sheer discipline to sit in a chair while people work on you for four hours.
Remembering Gamora
The closure of her 10-year journey as Gamora is a very bittersweet moment for the actress as well as her fans alike. Though she claims she felt “stuck doing franchises,” her contributions to the Marvel and Avatar franchises are massive and influential. And of course, Gunn’s own admittance of her being his dream choice for Gamora only adds to the sentiment.

Saldana’s journey as Gamora has been nothing short of extraordinary, filled with emotions, action, and an overwhelming fan base. Her character has not only become an inseparable part of her legacy but also a favorite among her own three little boys – blossoming as die-hard fans of the Marvel universe and of their mama, of course.
“It makes me feel really good. It makes me feel lucky,” she expressed how fortunate she feels to work with people she deeply respects within the same universe. Her gratitude towards director James Gunn is expressed as she thanks him for his unyielding belief in her potential.
But as she says goodbye to Gamora, we can all say the lengthy makeup process won’t be in her list of cherished memories and despite Saldana stepping down, her hope shines bright for Gamora to continue inspiring and thrilling fans after she’s left the role. Even though she signed up initially for one movie, a decade later, she parts with a heart full of grace and gratitude.
While Saldana hangs her boots, curiosity brews among fans about the future of their beloved character, Gamora. For now, it’s a wrap for Zoe Saldana, who walks out of the Marvel universe with a heart full of cherished memories, gladly leaving behind the not-so-beloved makeup chair.
In the words of Saldana, she’s moving on with “so much grace and gratitude in her heart,” and the world eagerly watches, as the next chapter unfolds for both the actress and Gamora herself.