18 must-read X-Men comic books of the 2000s

WASHINGTON, DC - JUNE 16: Cosplay, or costume play, actors Eclectic Eevee (L) and Sweet Spectre dress as characters from the X-Men comic books during the first day of Awesome Con at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center June 16, 2017 in Washington, DC. Thousands of fans of popular culture, fantasy and science fiction will gather for the three-day convention that includes comic books, collectibles, toys, games, original art, cosplay and Marvel Comics legend Stan Lee. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)
WASHINGTON, DC - JUNE 16: Cosplay, or costume play, actors Eclectic Eevee (L) and Sweet Spectre dress as characters from the X-Men comic books during the first day of Awesome Con at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center June 16, 2017 in Washington, DC. Thousands of fans of popular culture, fantasy and science fiction will gather for the three-day convention that includes comic books, collectibles, toys, games, original art, cosplay and Marvel Comics legend Stan Lee. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images) /
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9. The Marauders

Writer: Gerry Duggan

Despite Krakoa giving mutants all over the world a place to live in peace, the world didn’t acknowledge the mutant nation. Some countries went as far as preventing them from leaving. When that happened, Captain Kate Pryde and her Marauders intervened.

After not being allowed through the Krakoan gates, Kitty Pryde took this as an opportunity. She dropped Kitty from her name and became Kate, saved and protected mutants around the world, and continued to be the leader she started being during X-Men Gold. More importantly, despite all the added responsibility, Kate Pryde didn’t let her missions change who she was (that happened during the 2023 Hellfire Gala).

8. Wolverine Origins

Writer: Daniel Way

The backstory of Wolverine has been one of Marvel Comics’ greatest mysteries. How much did Weapon X actually do to him? What horrible things did Logan do in his past? How much of his life was a lie? Daniel Way answered all of this and more.

Wolverine Origins revealed a person named Romulus was pulling Logan’s strings. He made sure that everything Logan did helped him control the world in the shadows. This ended when he was ordered to kill Charles Xavier. When Logan failed, Xavier brainwashed him into being a weapon for the X-Men.

These are only two of the mysteries revealed. The stuff from World War 2 and about his son are diabolical.