Here’s our ranking of all currently canon Star Wars shows, not just on their binge-worthiness, but their importance in the overall Star Wars lore.
Who’d have guessed back when we first heard about a galaxy far, far away that we’d end up navigating through it not just through movies, but shows too?
Ever since the very first movie hit theaters around the world, Star Wars has been hinting at the expansive universe waiting for fans. From printed pages to digital screens, the lore is vast, but it’s the little screen that’s truly been a gold mine for stories from every corner of the galaxy.
But it’s not all sunshine and rainbows, as we all know. Star Wars TV offerings are as diverse as the Cantina crowd. Some take us back to the ’80s, where colorful Saturday morning cartoons gave us a simpler, more playful Star Wars experience. Then there are those that tell us tales that enrich our understanding of the overall lore, making those shows indispensable.
Navigating this expansive Star Wars show list can feel a tad overwhelming. Where does one begin? Which show holds the key to the future twists and turns of the franchise? Well, fear not. You know I’ve always got you covered.
Here’s a handy guide ranking each currently canon Star Wars show not just on its binge-worthiness, but its importance and part in the Star Wars lore.