Many actresses have sharpened those legendary claws, but who played Catwoman the best across the countless Batman movies and shows?
There aren’t many comic book characters who can claim to have found the success that Catwoman has. The femme fatale has joined her long-time love interest, The Dark Knight, in becoming a pop-culture icon – and while a lot of that is down to the character’s incredible comic book storylines, it’s hard to deny that her appearances on the big and small screens didn’t influence that.
Perhaps the most iconic female character to originate in any comic book, she has since gone on to appear in five live-action feature films (one of which she headlined), three live-action TV shows, countless animated shows and a ton of video games. The most recent chapter of that legacy came in 2022 when Zoë Kravitz starred in Matt Reeves’ The Batman, alongside Robert Pattinson’s Dark Knight.
But Kravitz wasn’t the first to do it (and given the character’s legacy, she probably won’t be the last). With that in mind, let’s see where the talented actress’ portrayal of Selina Kyle lands among all of the previous live-action Catwomen. Yes, as we continue to celebrate Batman Day, we are taking a trip down meow memory lane to look at all the other iconic actresses to bring this feline fatale to life.
Note: While there were multiple actresses to voice Catwoman on animated TV shows and in video games, this list will take a look at the eleven live-action iterations, with an exception also being made for the most iconic actress to voice her.