4 ways the writers could’ve saved the ending of Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones - Cersei Lannister
Game of Thrones - Cersei Lannister /
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Game of Thrones season 7
Game of Thrones /

2. There should’ve been a foreshadowing of the Mad Queen

“Dracarys!” With that one word, Daenerys Targaryen commanded her dragons to unleash hellfire upon her enemies, leaving viewers shocked. Should we have seen her burning down King’s Landing coming? Perhaps. Unfortunately, Game of Thrones writers failed to properly foreshadow Daenerys’ descent into the “Mad Queen,” instead opting to portray her as an emotionally driven and sometimes incompetent ruler.

In season 7, when Daenerys burns Randyll and Dickon Tarly alive, it is intended to show her unwavering commitment to her cause. Unfortunately, it comes off more as a temper tantrum than a strategic move.

What we loved about Daenerys was her reliance on her advisors. It proved why she was more wise than most. In season 2, she leans heavily on the counsel of Jorah Mormont, and later she often defers to Tyrion Lannister. This portrayal adds layers to her being a calculated conqueror who earned her place on the Iron Throne. It was all burned to the ground when she torched King’s Landing.

Game of Thrones missed the mark when it came to foreshadowing Daenerys’s transformation into the Mad Queen. Rather than showing a gradual descent into tyranny, the show opted for a sudden and unearned character shift, leaving many fans feeling betrayed by a series they once loved. It’s a shame because, with a little more foresight, the show could have truly done justice to one of its most iconic characters. Or maybe they should have made it so that she wasn’t the one responsible for the actions of Drogon.