Ranking the unrankable: Top 10 The Clone Wars episodes, ranked

Photo: Star Wars: The Clone Wars Episode 710 “The Phantom Apprentice” - Image Courtesy Disney+
Photo: Star Wars: The Clone Wars Episode 710 “The Phantom Apprentice” - Image Courtesy Disney+ /
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10. Season 3, episode 17 – “Ghosts Of Mortis”

An episode that truly stands out, not just within its trilogy arc but throughout the entirety of The Clone Wars. Settling into our tenth spot, this episode is a deep dive into the philosophical realm of the Force, a facet of Star Wars that has always intrigued both casual viewers and die-hard fans alike.

The Mortis arc, and this episode in particular, ambitiously tackles the metaphysical elements, weaving together mythological undertones that explore the balance between the light and dark sides. It’s a narrative risk, attempting to visually and emotionally depict the abstract nuances of the Force, but “Ghosts Of Mortis” manages to pull it off with a delicate balance of ambiguity and clarity.

However, while the episode is a visual and thematic treat, it’s these very traits that nudge it to the tenth position. Compared to other episodes that offer more direct action, political intrigue, or character-driven plots, “Ghosts Of Mortis” operates on a cerebral level that might not resonate with everyone. The strength of its symbolic storytelling can also be its weakness, as it slightly deviates from the conventional, more tangible narratives that some fans adore.

Even with this placement, its significance in the larger Star Wars lore and the depth it brings to Anakin’s journey cannot be understated. An episode that deserves applause, even if it doesn’t quite soar to the top of the list.