The second and potentially final season of Loki was not joking around, giving us six incredible episodes. But which one was the best one?
Loki returned to Disney Plus for its second season and it has single-handedly become my own personal Roman Empire, with the second part of its previous season’s main plot – saving the TVA as well as preventing He Who Remains’ variants from attacking and potentially destroying the Sacred Timelines as well as other branches. You know, easy stuff.
This second season has given us six glorious episodes full of purpose, jaw-dropping moments, head-scratching, giggles, and… a little sadness. We’ve been reunited with our favorite characters from season 1 – Loki, Sylvie, Mobius, B-15, Casey, among others – and have been introduced to the likes of Ouroboros and Victor Timely, which were incredible additions to the already fun and endearing cast.
The magic of the first season was definitely not lost on its second one. With moments that had us pausing for a breather as our favorite mischievous God went frame by frame, time slip by time slip until he figured out what had to be done in order to not only save the TVA, but literally all of Marvel as we know it.
No pressure.
With what I consider Marvel’s best series finale past us, let’s take a look at Loki season 2 and see how its six episodes rank against each other.