Steven Osojnak
Joined: Aug 2, 2024
I've always been a fan of the superhero genre for as long as I can remember, but my love for it has grown over the course of my life to include the medium where superheroes came from; comics. While I did have some comics that I read when I was younger, I consumed superhero content through movies, tv, and video games, and I was like that for a good chunk of my life. I didn't get into comics until a few years ago when I read Batman: The Long Halloween. I loved that story so much, and I wanted to read more, so I read more Batman related stories such as The Dark Knight Returns, Year One, Dark Victory (the sequel to Long Halloween), and some other stories. I loved reading them, but I wanted to brach out to other characters and stories, and since I read and enjoyed Watchmen, I felt his run on Swamp Thing was my next read. To this day that run is one of my favorite comics ever, and it introduced me to a whole other side of DC that I wanted to learn more about. From that point on, comic books has become one of my favorite mediums. While I mainly read Marvel and DC titles (some old, some new), I do branch out into independent comics or non superhero comics, recently reading Scott Snyder's and Scott Tufts horror title Severed (which was amazing btw). While this is my first ever online publishing gig, I feel I've gained a lot of knowledge about superhero's and comics in general to entice people about the topics I cover and to make them stay with my work.