When it comes to video game adaptations, any superhero who isn't Spider-Man or Batman usually gets the short end of the stick. Granted, there have been a few rare occasions when a hidden gem starring a different character gets released and takes the world by storm (looking at you Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, and Deadpool). However, it's perplexing how some of the world's most recognizable heroes have had next to no chances of stealing the spotlight in this beloved medium. Daredevil is, unfortunately, a member of that group.
The Man Without Fear is currently making headlines thanks to his long-awaited Marvel Cinematic Universe comeback in Daredevil: Born Again. But why should his tale stop there? For a long time, fans speculated that a hidden easter egg in Marvel's Spider-Man 2 indicated that Matt Murdock would appear in a DLC or even his own title. In time, it was revealed that this mysterious secret was just a reference to Insomniac's next game: Marvel's Wolverine. But for a brief moment, it made us all wonder what the video game world could have in store for the Devil of Hell's Kitchen, and when could we see that dream realized.
Well, that day is finally here.
An Unreal Engine 5 prototype depicts what a Daredevil game could look like
YouTube channel Prince Gaetan released a video showcasing a prototype for a Daredevil game made in Unreal Engine 5 in only one week. While it's clear there are some technical issues to solve like increasing the framerate and polishing a few animations, it also lets us see there's great potential for such a title if it were ever to be released. It looks very Batman Arkham-esque, with a special focus on Matt's parkour abilities to traverse the map. We also get a glimpse of a short combat section that seems to take cues from the free-flow combat introduced in Batman: Arkham Asylum. However, it's very different to create a two-minute playable demo for a video and a complete AAA game for thousands of players to enjoy, so what would the latter look like?
For starters: While Daredevil is technically blind, his heightened senses allow him to "see" the world around him. So yes: Players should be able to properly view the world as they would on any other video game. However, everything on-screen should be something that Matt is able to "detect".
That would add an extra layer of difficulty when it comes to facing different members of The Hand — all of which are able to lower their bodies' temperature and be so silent that they're practically undetectable. In the eye of the player, these foes would be completely invisible until they strike and make noise along the way. So how could Daredevil fight back against them? Well, the game should allow us to interact with the environment in very advanced ways.
You're fighting inside of a bar? Then you could throw down a bottle of beer to ensure enemies make a sound while stepping on the scattered pieces of glass. Similarly, Matt could activate a Fire sprinkler system to determine where enemies are located based on the drops of water that fall over them. Or perhaps it would suffice to throw your billy club against any surface to make a sound and use it for echolocation.
The only problem with this latter technique would be that it only allows you to see a villain for a split second at their latest location, and you wouldn't be able to track their movements any further until throwing the club again. Just imagine a boss fight similar to Mr. Freeze's in Batman: Arkham City except it's the other way around and the player needs to come up with new ways to use their surroundings to track an "invisible" enemy that's hunting them.
Secondary missions should eventually allow Daredevil to discover a way to permanently track every type of enemy moving forward. But while that happens, the environment should be the player's best friend. Speaking of which, the combat system should be more akin to the likes of Sifu where picking objects in a room and using them as improvised weapons should be a must. Besides, it shouldn't be easy to deal with a room filled with enemies. While the free-flow combat seen in the Arkham games could be a great fit for The Man Without Fear, it should be dropped for a more challenging system that rewards repetition and mastery over martial arts (just like in Sifu).
Daredevil shouldn't be the only one getting the spotlight, as Matt should be a playable character too. However, his segments should be more akin to the Ace Attorney games, where players should look for clues in crime scenes and be able to defend their client in a courtroom. These missions should greatly impact the story and eventually lead to different endings where key characters can permanently go to jail, or even die in the process — locking the player out of a few side missions along the way.
Finally, the world map shouldn't aim to be anywhere near as big as in Marvel's Spider-Man 2. If that were to be the case, then Daredevil should be able to swing between buildings just like Spider-Man. However, there's no point in copying the exact same traversal mechanics we've seen countless times before. Instead, developers should aim to create a smaller area that's dense and filled with secrets on every corner. Players should be able to enter many indoor areas at any moment, and a complex parkour system should be the main way to go from point A to point B.
Have you ever played through a platforming section where you can repeatedly jump between two opposing walls and slowly gain altitude in the process? Well, Matt should be able to perform this exact same move to go to any rooftop at any moment. Furthermore, players should also be able to gain speed and briefly run on walls a la Call of Duty, or seamlessly jump straight through a window without losing momentum. And, yes, Matt should eventually be able to use the billy club to swing between buildings, but there should be a limit to this mechanic to ensure it never feels like a copy of a Spider-Man game.
Daredevil's powers aren't too complicated compared to the likes of Doctor Strange, The Scarlet Witch, or Superman. That makes him an ideal candidate to star in a high-quality, AAA superhero game. Hopefully, Marvel realizes this potential and collaborates with an outstanding video game studio to make our dreams and dreams come true sooner rather than later.
Daredevil: Born Again is now streaming on Disney Plus.