There are many things that DC Comics fans are longing for, but a third Injustice video game is definitely on that list. It's something we've been discussing since completing Injustice 2 and, with that having come out in 2017, it's been some time indeed.
With that in mind, let's do some more theorizing, this time about which characters could appear in Injustice 3 if it happens. To be honest, there are so many DC characters that haven't been used in the Injustice games that it would be impossible to list them all, so let's look at some of the ones that I want to see the most and the ones that fans have been clamoring over for years.
Magical characters
Let's begin by talking about the magical characters of the DC Universe, because most of them haven't received much attention in these games. While characters like Swamp Thing and Shazam were playable characters in the previous games, that barely scratches the surface for the magical side of the DC Universe. It would be great to see characters such as Zatanna, John Constantine, Deadman, Phantom Stranger, Etrigan, and the Spectre all involved in a potential Injustice 3. Zatanna and John Constantine have been popular candidates for an Injustice game amongst fans, myself included, mainly due to the iconic nature of these characters and the fact that the gameplay possibilities for them both are quite enticing to ponder over.
Just as enticing to ponder over is the potential for the rest of the characters here. Deadman would be a fun character to play as, because in the comics he can't interact with others unless he takes possession of someone, so his gameplay mechanic could be that he could take possession of the opponent and force them to hit themselves, which would be very funny and cool if that were to happen. Etrigan is another fun possibility but in a different way; he's a physical force to be reckoned with, and the various demonic powers and spells at his command would be a treat to see displayed on screen.
As for the Phantom Stranger and Spectre, both characters are touted as being two of the most powerful beings in the DC universe, and with that title, their powers and abilities are basically limitless, so the creators of an Injustice 3 could have a field day with the many, many special moves and combos they could whip up for both characters.
The Watchmen
Another group of characters that would be fun to play as in an Injustice game would be the Watchmen characters. The Watchmen brand is getting noticed more these days due to the animated movies that have been coming out over the past year (the first one having positive reviews), so it would make sense to capitalize on these characters for an Injustice 3.
Characters include but aren't limited to Nite-Owl, Silk Spectre, Ozymandius, Rorschach, and Doctor Manhattan. In all honesty, I wouldn't be surprised if these characters don't make the initial roster of playable characters upon the games release, rather, I can see these characters appear as DLC add ons post game launch. Having said that, the Watchmen characters would fit perfectly into the Injustice games because the original Watchmen comic is a very gritty and very violent story, and their violent tendencies would match characters found in the Injustice universe.

JSA (Justice Society of America)
Now we're going back to the literal Golden Age of comics, with the first superhero team to exist ever! The JSA is not quite as well-known as other more modern superhero teams like the Justice League or even Marvel's Avengers, they're just as important - and interesting - as any other team. Since they're the first, they've also had countless stories told of their exploits, and their members are as numerous as their are stars in the sky (well, maybe not that numerous, but still there are a lot.)
While characters like Doctor Fate already were in the Injustice games, there are still countless characters that would be awesome additions to an Injustice roster. Heroes like Alan Scott's Green Lantern, Jay Garrick's Flash, Wildcat, Dr. Mid-Nite, Starman, Stargirl, Sandman and the list goes on and on.
That being said, what I don't want done with these characters is for them to be cosmetic skins to already existing characters (like they did with Jay Garrick in Injustice 2); they should be their own character within the roster.
What do you think? Are there any characters that I missed that you'd want to play as in a potential third Injustice game? Be on the lookout for another Injustice 3 article discussing who the main villain(s) could be.