Star Wars: 10 most disliked storylines, ranked

Despite differences of opinions, there are some subplots and "creative choices," that unite Star Wars fans in a collective facepalm. Let's talk about them.
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. Luke Skywalker lightsaber duels Darth Vader. Image Credit:
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. Luke Skywalker lightsaber duels Darth Vader. Image Credit: /
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8. The handling of Rey's parentage (the sequel trilogy)

Ah, the swirling vortex of mystery that was Rey's parentage.

It was like the ultimate "Who's Your Daddy?" but in a galaxy far, far away. Fans across the universe were hooked on this space-age soap opera, tossing around theories like hot space-potatoes. Was she a Skywalker? A Kenobi? Or perhaps sprung from the loins of some other legendary Jedi? The anticipation was palpable, the speculation intense. Then came the big reveal(s), and it was like expecting a supernova but getting a sparkler.

First, The Last Jedi tossed us a curveball by declaring her parents were nobodies, mere desert drifters who sold her for drinking money. Ouch, talk about an anticlimax. But wait, there's more! The Rise of Skywalker zigs where its predecessor zagged, claiming she's actually the granddaughter of Emperor Palpatine. Confused? Me too, I can't believe someone would actually procreate with dear ol' Palpy. But everyone was so confused over this magical retcon. This back-and-forth felt like a narrative tug-of-war that left fans dizzy rather than dazzled, turning what could have been a compelling mystery into a bewildering roller coaster of "Who cares anymore?"

The handling of Rey's lineage was like being promised a gourmet meal and then being served reheated leftovers. Initially, the mystery was an exciting puzzle, a beacon of intrigue in the vast Star Wars saga. It had us dissecting every scene, every glance for clues. Yet, the resolution felt like someone had mixed up the script pages. The flip-flopping not only deflated the anticipation but also undermined Rey's journey. Instead of her background propelling her forward, it became a confusing sideshow that seemed to change with the direction of the intergalactic wind. It was as if the storytellers themselves couldn't decide whether lineage or personal choice defined a hero, leaving fans with a narrative soup that was more muddled than mystical.

In the end, the saga of Rey's parents was less about unveiling a galaxy-shattering secret and more about illustrating the perils of not sticking the landing in storytelling.