15 Once Upon a Time couples ranked from worst to best

From beautiful ships like Snowing and Captain Swan to the questionable couples like Zelena and Hades, here's how we feel about the OUAT romances.
Courtesy: ABC
Courtesy: ABC
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Heroes and villains were a big part of the Once Upon a Time story, but the magical fairytale series made one message clear. It's not always black and white. It's a show about family, hope, and second chances.

Plus, there's some wonderful romances that we loved to ship! OUAT brought us some of the most iconic couples on TV that we still love to this day. And, well, there are the ones we really don't have love for. Below, we've ranked 15 Once Upon a Time couples from worst to best!

Evil Queen/Regina and Graham

I don't even think this one needs an explanation. The Regina and Graham "coupling" is definitely ranked worst on our list because of the consent issue. Poor Graham. Regina had his heart and held onto it for years, including during the curse, and would force him to be with her. For a family show too, this was quite mature. Yes, Regina does grow into a good person and is redeemed. But that doesn't excuse her actions here.

Cruella and James

This couple half makes me laugh, half makes me cringe. I think it's just so weird to see James, who is David's identical twin brother, kissing Cruella de Vil since the two have the same face. Cruella and James were wickedly wicked together, and you just got an icky feeling.